Friday, January 23, 2015

I am finally resurrecting the blog!  SOOOO much has happened since my last post.  New House, New Baby, New Job...that is just to name a few!  Let's get this party started!

Friday, May 10, 2013


Two weeks ago today Tye and I finally closed on our house in Winston Salem, it is finally SOLD!  After almost two years on the market and 3 relators later we received an offer and negotiated our way (well Tye negotiated our way, I was ready to accept the first crazy low offer) into a contract.  It felt like from the time we received the offer to the time we signed the final papers was forever.  We had less than 2 weeks to move everything out of the house and as you might know already we are renting in Davidson so this is our in between houses time so ALL of our belongings are stuffed into my parents house (thank you mom for your patience).  It feels so weird not having a permanent address but I would not change anything about this time we have had and the lessons we have learned. 

It felt so crazy moving everythign out (crazy in a good way).  It was a so real moment, that was our first house but we did not get too emotinal about it because we were so happy we could move on with the next chapter in our lives.  You never know how much stuff you have until you have to move it all look's so weird all empty! 

 Maybe we watch too much HGTV but we wanted to leave a little something for the new homeowners...a bottle of wine and a card (of course)
It has been hard and there were times I gave up and thought the house was never going to sell and we were destined to not have a new home but Tye always made me feel better…we would say a prayer and have faith that one day when the time was right God would get it sold and he did.

Now the fun part begins and we get to start house hunting...YAY! 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fancy Writing

I love to write letters and send cards.  Everyone likes to receive a card in the mail I don't care who you are!  One of my favorite things about writing letters is addressing the envelope. I know that sounds a little crazy but it truly is one of my favorite parts.  So because of that I want to take a calligraphy class, and just so you know it is very difficult to find someone to teach you this art.  I have called around and finally found someone that is willing to teach me, so excited!  Old school calligraphy is nice and all but I want to write in curly q's and all.  Below are a couple of styles that I want to learn...

I have many containers filled with cards that I have collected through the years, I NEVER throw a card away and sooner or later I am going to do something crafty with all of them.  Below is a  Pinterest idea that I love...

I hope that snail mail ever gets old, I am a firm believer that a hand written card means more then an e-mail, text or e-vite so everyone I know keep an eye on your mailboxes!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Currently Living in the Stone Age

When I say living in the stone age I mean that currently while we are in “home transition” we do not have the internet at our rental house in Charlotte.  So we must use the Hot Spot on our phones to connect if we would like to do any computer work at home.  Good for us we are not into technology at ALL and are basically challenged in that category of our life.  I am trying to learn and get better (ummm like this blog you are reading) but I have a long road ahead.  Tye and I did decide when we do move in to our new house we are going to have lightning speed internet and all the bells and whistles that are offered, Watch out America! 

I bring this subject up right now because last week we went to visit Heather and Charlie and they got us hooked on the Showtime Series “Homeland” and since we now live in Charlotte I am currently obsessed with spotting Clair Danes and maybe becoming an extra for next season.  Let the stalking begin.  We watched the whole 1st season in like 4 days and now here is the problem we CAN NOT watch the second season because we are not able to get Showtime on Demand because we have NO INTERNET.  The lady at direct TV thought we were absolutely crazy when we said we did not have internet but right now it would be too much trouble to get it hooked up and we are trying to make our current residence as temporary as possible and the internet is a little to “settled in” for us.  Back to Homeland, so now season 2 is not out on DVD yet and there is no way to watch it so I must wait in anticipation for August 27th 2013 when it is released and I have already reserved my copy on Amazon J

Funny Tid Bit we had to buy the first season on DVD because Blockbuster was out of it…Yes there is still one Blockbuster still in business and with all the late fees we always pay I think that The Young’s are the ones keeping it afloat!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Since College

I can remember in college having no idea what I wanted to do when "I grow up"...well I guess the time has come and since I am 30 I am all grown up :) After much consideration and a strong push from my parents I ended up being a business major, like everyone else in my class.  I wanted to go the route of interior design but at App the interior design building was literally a run down house and the business building looked like the taj mahal hall compared to it.  I am glad I got the business degree and after being in the work world for the last 7 years I am finally about to start a job I am truly excited about.  It is alot different from what I have done in the past but I think that is a good thing.  I found this below picture on pinterest and think it says it all! 
this picture says it all

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fabulous Food Photo Dump

"Osso" Bucco at Osso Restaurant & Lounge at the NC Music Factory in Charlotte, NC
Italian Sandwich from Ferrucci's Old Tyme Italian Market in Cornelius, NC
The most DELISH hamburger EVER - Recipe courtesy of Momma Svoboda
Spicy Beef with Cheddar Grits Recipe via Pioneer Woman
Lobster Benedict from Toast in Davidson, NC
Gourmet Cupcakes from Sweet Cakes in Cornelius, NC
Lauren's Sm ores Cookies recipe via Pinterest