Friday, August 31, 2012

Since College

I can remember in college having no idea what I wanted to do when "I grow up"...well I guess the time has come and since I am 30 I am all grown up :) After much consideration and a strong push from my parents I ended up being a business major, like everyone else in my class.  I wanted to go the route of interior design but at App the interior design building was literally a run down house and the business building looked like the taj mahal hall compared to it.  I am glad I got the business degree and after being in the work world for the last 7 years I am finally about to start a job I am truly excited about.  It is alot different from what I have done in the past but I think that is a good thing.  I found this below picture on pinterest and think it says it all! 
this picture says it all

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