Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fancy Writing

I love to write letters and send cards.  Everyone likes to receive a card in the mail I don't care who you are!  One of my favorite things about writing letters is addressing the envelope. I know that sounds a little crazy but it truly is one of my favorite parts.  So because of that I want to take a calligraphy class, and just so you know it is very difficult to find someone to teach you this art.  I have called around and finally found someone that is willing to teach me, so excited!  Old school calligraphy is nice and all but I want to write in curly q's and all.  Below are a couple of styles that I want to learn...

I have many containers filled with cards that I have collected through the years, I NEVER throw a card away and sooner or later I am going to do something crafty with all of them.  Below is a  Pinterest idea that I love...

I hope that snail mail ever gets old, I am a firm believer that a hand written card means more then an e-mail, text or e-vite so everyone I know keep an eye on your mailboxes!

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