Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Currently Living in the Stone Age

When I say living in the stone age I mean that currently while we are in “home transition” we do not have the internet at our rental house in Charlotte.  So we must use the Hot Spot on our phones to connect if we would like to do any computer work at home.  Good for us we are not into technology at ALL and are basically challenged in that category of our life.  I am trying to learn and get better (ummm like this blog you are reading) but I have a long road ahead.  Tye and I did decide when we do move in to our new house we are going to have lightning speed internet and all the bells and whistles that are offered, Watch out America! 

I bring this subject up right now because last week we went to visit Heather and Charlie and they got us hooked on the Showtime Series “Homeland” and since we now live in Charlotte I am currently obsessed with spotting Clair Danes and maybe becoming an extra for next season.  Let the stalking begin.  We watched the whole 1st season in like 4 days and now here is the problem we CAN NOT watch the second season because we are not able to get Showtime on Demand because we have NO INTERNET.  The lady at direct TV thought we were absolutely crazy when we said we did not have internet but right now it would be too much trouble to get it hooked up and we are trying to make our current residence as temporary as possible and the internet is a little to “settled in” for us.  Back to Homeland, so now season 2 is not out on DVD yet and there is no way to watch it so I must wait in anticipation for August 27th 2013 when it is released and I have already reserved my copy on Amazon J

Funny Tid Bit we had to buy the first season on DVD because Blockbuster was out of it…Yes there is still one Blockbuster still in business and with all the late fees we always pay I think that The Young’s are the ones keeping it afloat!

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