Friday, July 20, 2012

Busy Busy

I cant believe that it is already almost the end of time flies!  We have been so busy since my birthday.  Bryson has been here for the past two weeks and let me tell you it is tiring being a full time parent...but we have had such a great time!  Last week he went to Davidson Soccer Camp all week it was 8am to 5pm Monday - Friday and every day I picked him up the first thing out of his mouth was "whats for dinner?" So funny I used to do the same thing!  The tables are turned.  This Saturday Tye and I are taking him back to Greenville and his mom is throwing him a birthday party and we are all going...slip and slides and face painting, a nine year olds dream!  We are so lucky to have such a great son!

Currently we have a couple of things in the works, that is all I am going to say because I don't want to Jinx anything before it happens.  Just keep us in your prayers :)  I hope everyone has a great weekend, it  has been in the 90's here all week so stay cool!

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