Tuesday, July 3, 2012

30 is right around the corner...LITERALLY!!!

Tomorrow is the 4th of July and also my 30th Birthday, so today I am just enjoying the last day of being in my twenties.  I am not nervous about turning 30 at all, actually I am excited about it!  I like to extend my birthday into a birthday week instead of just one day.  It was so cute on Monday morning Tye woke up and said "Happy Birthday Week"...Love him!  We have lots of plans for the rest of the week and today is my last day of work for the week (thank goodness).

Highlights of my Twenties

Graduating from College - GO ASU! - age 21
It is crazy for most of my late teens and early twenties I lived with my Best Friend and we did EVERYTHING together now we both have wonderful husbands and do EVERYTHING with them but I am so blessed I can still call her my best friend even though we dont see each other everyday.  Not very many people can enter their 30's with the same best friend they entered their teens with.
Meeting my fabulous Husband, again!- age 21
I have known Tye since pre-school and we were actually good friends in high school but never dated.  When we met again at Rusty Rudder in Lake Norman it was love at first site and we have been together ever since the day we met...again!
Getting a big girl job (which I am still not happy about) - age 22
I have had a couple of jobs since graduating from college and am still in the processes of finding the perfect fit for me.  I know it will come (hopfully sooner then later)! 
Buying a house - age 24
We bought our first house in Winston Salem and made it our home.
Getting Engaged - age 25
December 5, 2008 Tye proposed to me at the Young's Christmas Tree Farm (I know Young's...Funny) and we started planning our wedding and future together! 
Getting Married - age 27
May 15, 2010 I married the love of my life on the steps of the Old Baldy Lighthouse.  That day was filled with so much love and joy we had both of our families and all of our friends celebrating with us! 
Putting our House for Sale - age 29
We decided to move to Charlotte and put our house on the market almost a year ago...I hope and pray that I can add "SOLD our house" to my list of things for age 30!

So many wondeful things happended in my twenties and I am so excited to see what God has in store for my my thirties!  I feel so blessed that I get to spend my 30th Birthday WEEK with my hubby, family and friends!  CHEERS everyone...HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!! 

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