Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Suprises!

Valentines is one of those holidays that people always complain about and say is just a retail holiday but personally I love Valentines Day. I guess it is all about who you spend it with and for me I get to spend it with my wonderful husband...he treats me like it is Valentines Day everyday and I am lucky for that! One of my favorite things to get is Tye always suprises me with cards and writes special things in them. For Valentines he suprised me with flowers, cards and movie tickets to see "The Vow" I have been wanting to see this movie. We had dinner reservations for 9pm in Mooresville so at 7pm we went to see the movie. I have to say we were a bit disappointed, it really needed a happier ending to be a Valentines Day movie...I won't spoil it for anyone and will just leave it as we gave it a 2.5 out of 10. After the movie we had a fabulous late dinner then headed home.
Now let me back up for a second becuase the day after Valentines was full of excitment but not the good kind! I gave Tye some caramel Hersey Kisses in his Valentines bag and in all the excitment of the nights date plans before we left I forgot to put the bag up so Nelson (our yorkie) could not get to it. To my suprise the next morning when I was getting ready for work I noticed the bag on the ground and not one Hersey Kiss in it...there were no wrappers around and Nelson was acting normal so I thought Tye just took them out but he told me he did not. So of course I started freaking out and Tye being the wonderful husband he is got up and took Nelson to the vet. They were the first ones there at the vet office and they took Nelson and sure enough two hours later thet vet called me and said "Well we found the Kisses" he was throwing up hot pink foil all morning but they said he was still has happy as could be and not affected at all by anything! He is 100% again and boy those were the most expensive Hersey Kisses I have ever bought!

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