Wednesday, February 22, 2012

House for Sale...

Our townhouse in Winston Salem, NC has been on the market for the past 8 months, we PRAY for it to sell very very soon!!! Last year around this time we decided to move to Charlotte...we always knew we wanted to live in this area and it is SOOOOO much closer to Bryson (Bryson lives in Greenville, SC) this past year has been full of transition and craziness. It has been hard at times but we have defiantly come out on top and feel very blessed in our lives! Tye and I have both started new jobs and have made some new wonderful friends and have just enjoyed exploring the new area we live in. Currenly we are renting a place in Davidson - it is small but we are getting used to living VERY close :) Our rental place is on alot of land so Nelson has alot of room to play around and since we left all of our furniture at our house in Winston Salem so it can stay staged when people are looking at it we are roughing it on our LoveSac (if you dont know what this is, they are to check it out) Tough life, right! We got a new realtor recently, Shirley Ramsey. She sold Tye's parents house and also my best friends parents house so now it is time for her to sell ours!!!! Saint Joseph is also buried in the front yard...We have heard this has worked for many people and thought what could it hurt! The story behind Saint Joseph is that Joseph taught Jesus the craftsman's trade and made sure that Jesus always was well housed. So that is the reason why he always helped people find a house they were looking for and in that way help people who need to sell their homes. We know when the time is right the perfect family will love our home and make it their own and then Tye and I will find our new home! In the meantime if anyone is looking to buy a house check ours out!!!! MLS#633088 Keller Williams Shirley Ramsey, Realtor 336.992.7602

Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Suprises!

Valentines is one of those holidays that people always complain about and say is just a retail holiday but personally I love Valentines Day. I guess it is all about who you spend it with and for me I get to spend it with my wonderful husband...he treats me like it is Valentines Day everyday and I am lucky for that! One of my favorite things to get is Tye always suprises me with cards and writes special things in them. For Valentines he suprised me with flowers, cards and movie tickets to see "The Vow" I have been wanting to see this movie. We had dinner reservations for 9pm in Mooresville so at 7pm we went to see the movie. I have to say we were a bit disappointed, it really needed a happier ending to be a Valentines Day movie...I won't spoil it for anyone and will just leave it as we gave it a 2.5 out of 10. After the movie we had a fabulous late dinner then headed home.
Now let me back up for a second becuase the day after Valentines was full of excitment but not the good kind! I gave Tye some caramel Hersey Kisses in his Valentines bag and in all the excitment of the nights date plans before we left I forgot to put the bag up so Nelson (our yorkie) could not get to it. To my suprise the next morning when I was getting ready for work I noticed the bag on the ground and not one Hersey Kiss in it...there were no wrappers around and Nelson was acting normal so I thought Tye just took them out but he told me he did not. So of course I started freaking out and Tye being the wonderful husband he is got up and took Nelson to the vet. They were the first ones there at the vet office and they took Nelson and sure enough two hours later thet vet called me and said "Well we found the Kisses" he was throwing up hot pink foil all morning but they said he was still has happy as could be and not affected at all by anything! He is 100% again and boy those were the most expensive Hersey Kisses I have ever bought!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fun In The Sun!

Last weekend Tye and I went to visit my BEST friend Heather and her husband Charlie that recently bought a house in Murrells Inlet, SC.  It was so great to visit with Heather, Charlie and Sparkles the chiwawa!  Their new house is fabulous it is in the cutest southern beach neighborhood with moss trees and even a pond in their back yard with ducks.  Heather has inspired me with her her new found hobby of finding fabulous furniture antiques and restoring them, I can't wait till we can go antiquing together! On Saturday when we woke up it was 70 degress out, it was so nice since now it is like 40 degress outside here in Charlotte.  We went to eat lunch at Hannah Banana's which is the best beach bar right on the water within walking distance from Heather's House.  We decided not to walk and took the easy way out and was our lucky day because when we got there it was Bloody Mary Bar Saturday!  I love a good Bloody Mary, I must get that from my Grammy.  Papou used to make her a Bloody Mary everyday at 4pm (Because that was Happy Hour at the DeLuca House).  In December when Grammy was visiting we enjoyed quite a few Bloody Marys :)  I like them spicy so  lots of hot sauce and horseradish went into mine!

After lunch we packed up the cooler with lots of champage, picked the doggies (Nelson and Sparkles) up from the house and headed to the beach for some fun in the sun.  I had the great idea of being active on the beach so we brought boccie ball to play...FYI boccie ball is not that fun with only 4 people so we went back to playing with the dogs and drinking champage which was just fine with us!  One thing when we go visit Heather we know we are going to eat and drink well, it is about a week preperation before we go of dieting and working out so we dont gain 50 lbs when we are there :) Tye's all time favorite food is pizza so Heather promised him the best pizza happy hour EVER and it was!  We went to a little place called Vienna's and enjoyed tones of italian goodies and everything was $2.50 so according to Heather is was "basically free" ( love her)!!!

It was such a great visit and we were so sad to leave on Sunday but we headed back to Lake Norman to enjoy a super bowl party for two (well three including Nelson)!  Tye and I have a tradition of watching the super bowl together and cooking fabulous snack foods.  This years menu included Party Ham Sammies and Baked Potato Soup...two easy and great recipes!  It was a great way to finish off a great weekend!  The recipes are below for you to enjoy!

Party Ham Sammies

1 Package Hawaiian Rolls
1/2 lb Deli Sliced Ham (sliced thin)
1/4 lb Baby Swiss Cheese (sliced thin)
1/2 Cup Butter (1 stick)
1/2 onion (grated)
2 Tbs. Poppy Seeds
1 tsp. Worcestershire Sauce
2 Tbs. Yellow Mustard

To make sauce melt butter then add onion, (I always grate the onion because Tye does not like the texture of chopped onion, it works out really well) poppy seeds, worcestershire and mustard and stir. 
Without seperating the rolls, slice them horizontally.  Spread both sides with the sauce (dont skimp on the sauce it is the best part).  Fill rolls with cheese and ham then put the top half back on the bottom and bake at 375 for 15 minutes or until melty and delicious!

Baked Potato Soup

1/2 Stick Butter
1/2 Chopped Onion
1/4 Cup All -Purpose Flour
1 Can Chicken Broth
1 (12 ounce) Can Carnation Evaporated Milk
2 Large Baking Potato's

Melt butter in large saucepan then add onion and cook till tender.  Stir in flour then gradually stir in broth and evaporated milk.  Cook potatos in microwave until tender then scoop the pulp of each potato into broth mixture.  Stir until thick and heated then enjoy!  I like to put bacon and cheese on top but you can put whatever you like!

Enjoying Bloody Mary's by the water!
My Hubby and me on the beach...such a great day!
This sign says it all...
Charlie dancing with Nelson and Sparkes...too much champagne on the beach :)
Party Ham Sammies we made for Super Bowl night...YUM

Friday, February 3, 2012

So Glad it is Almost the Weekend!

So glad it is almost the weekend! Only a couple more hours until The Hubby, Nelson and I are in the car headed for the beach! We are going to visit my best friend Heather and her husband Charlie in Murrells Inlet, SC - they moved there a little over a year ago and they also just bought a new house.  I am so exicted to have a weekend away, it seems like Tye (my husband) and I have been so busy since Christmas and have not had time to just relax.  So this will be a much needed get away.  A weekend at Heather's is always an adventure so I will have lots of fun pics and stories to share on Monday.  Happy Weekend! 

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Beach Photo