Thursday, June 28, 2012

Biltmore House Adventure

Eventhough I have lived in North Carolina most of all my life I have never been to the Biltmore House, it has always been one of those places I have wanted to go.  So I took a random Wednesday off work and off we went up the mountain.  It is funny unusally when I say up the mountain we are going to Boone but not this time!  Mom and Grammy picked us up bright and early and we headed out.  It was a drive up there but totally worth it, the weather was gorgeous and the estste was to say the least breathtaking!  Below are some pictures from our adventure...
Grammy & Bryson in the car while we are headed up the mountain to Asheville
In front of the Biltmore
Welcome to my new house!
Posing in the gardens
The 3 Amigos
Bryson and I in front of the fountain

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