Friday, June 29, 2012

A Little Inspiration

This mornining I needed a little inspiration, so I took a long quiet look outside and just thanked the Lord for all the blessings in my life.  I know that as long as I have faith and love in my heart that he will guide me in the right direction. It is going to be a hot one today...the high is 104 degrees and this weekend it is supposed to get up to 107...GOSH that is HOT!  Stay cool and everyone have a wonderful and blessed weekend, I know I will!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Biltmore House Adventure

Eventhough I have lived in North Carolina most of all my life I have never been to the Biltmore House, it has always been one of those places I have wanted to go.  So I took a random Wednesday off work and off we went up the mountain.  It is funny unusally when I say up the mountain we are going to Boone but not this time!  Mom and Grammy picked us up bright and early and we headed out.  It was a drive up there but totally worth it, the weather was gorgeous and the estste was to say the least breathtaking!  Below are some pictures from our adventure...
Grammy & Bryson in the car while we are headed up the mountain to Asheville
In front of the Biltmore
Welcome to my new house!
Posing in the gardens
The 3 Amigos
Bryson and I in front of the fountain

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It's been a while...

Well, it has been a while since my last post. Here is a quick run down since my last post in March to bring everyone up to date and below is a photo dump of all our adventures!

We have been on a couple beach trips in April,we went down to Myrtle Beach and stayed with my brother and his wonderful girlfriend Lauren and we also went down at the beginning of April for Heather's big 30th Birthday weekend. We love beach time, hopefully one day when we are still young enough to enjoy it but old enough to afford it we can have our very own beach house..."The Young's Beach Resort"  :)

On May 15th we celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary...I can not believe it has been two years! I thank God everyday for giving my wonderful husband to me! He truly means everything to me and I feel so blessed to have him as my partner in life! To celebrate our anniversary we had a quiet dinner together at Flat Iron in Davidson and then during dinner Tye says "by chance do you want to go to the All Star Race this weekend to celebrate our anniversary?" I could tell he was kinda joking and he thought I would say "no way" but I surprised him and said "sure!". So the plans were set that weekend on Saturday May 19th I would attend my very first NASCAR race!  We had a blast!

In May and June we celebrated Mother's and Father's Day with brunch on Mother's Day and dinner for Father's Day at our townhouse in Winston Salem (yes it is still for sale). It is so nice we can have both of our families together to celebrate instead of trying to split time. I made some excellent new delicious recipes and got a great deal that I am still talking about because I can not believe it happened. I decided to make a recipe from "The Pioneer Woman" which is a new show on Food Network that I LOVE! It was a deep dish quiche recipe so I needed to get deep dish quiche pans...the ONLY place I could find these dang pans were Williams and Sonoma and I did not want to pay a million dollars for them but at this point I had no choice so I bit the bullet.  I went to Williams and Sonoma got the two pans and went to the cash register and held my my surprise they were on SUPER clearance and each pan was $4.99...WHAT I know, I got out of there for less then $10.00!!!!! AWESOME!!!! Ok that is it with the pans I will stop talking about them now.

At the end of June Erwin and his friend John came to visit us from the Netherlands! The last time Erwin was in the USA was for our wedding so it was great to see him again and this was John's first trip to the USA. We had such a great visit with them. During their visit we went to the US Whitewater Center in Charlotte - this is such a great place!!! My family came into town, and so did Heather and Charlie to go White Water was so much fun! As you can tell from the pictures below...and those helmets will never be in fashion! Later that night Nancy and Doug hosted an All American Cookout to give Erwin and John a taste of the good stuff!!! We all had a blast together!

Now it is already the end of June...Where did all the time go!  Mom went last week and picked up Grammy from Ohio to spend a couple of weeks with us.  Tomorrow Mom, Grammy, Bryson and me are headed to Asheville to go to the Biltmore House.  I have never been so I am very excited.   More summer adventures to come...

PS:  Sorry the pictures are in no particular order...they kinda downloaded crazy!  Enjoy!